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22. NEW JERUSALEM:Qumran "looked forward to a final Visitation or Judgment in which there would be a divine purification of mankind. The state ensuing appears to be conceived as that of the New Creation,.or renewal of Creation; it is the return to the state of innocence before the Fall when Adam's lost "glory" is restored again and he enjoys an everlasting life, under undisturbed by sin or death. The actual destruction of the present world at the Judgement appears to have been envisaged as a universal conflagration. This New Creation of eternal duration appears to have its location in this earth, for the restoration of the Temple in a New Jerusalem seems to have been an integral part of their expectation for the new age. This was accompanied by a belief in an eternal life, a life to be shared with the angels in heaven..There was also probably some form of resurrection hope." BLACK p. 171.