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11. GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT AND CROWN OF GLORY AND GARMENTS OF GLORY:BROWNLEE, p. 14: "These are the counsels of the Spirit for the sons of truth in the world; and the visitation of all who walk by it consists in healing and abundant peace during length of days, and to bear seed with all everlasting blessings and eternal rejoicing in the victorious life of eternity, and a crown of glory, together with raiment of majesty in eternal light." The is as good an expression of bearing seed for eternity reserved for those who are Celestial as any in LDS scripture. In 1 QSb (THE BENEDICTIONS) Col. III.22-29 we can extract: "The Lord bless thee from His Holy Dwelling-place, and make thee a crown of glory in the midst of the holy ones (the saints or the angels, cf. Infra), and renew for thee the covenant of eternal priesthood and give thee thy place in (His) Holy Dwelling-place" BLACK p. 140.