Dr. Einar C. Erickson
Ancient Document Mormon Scholar
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They could have said that the God of the Old Testament was Jehovah, while the Father of Jesus was Elohim but in doing this they transform it, they end up with two God's rather than one.

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In my presentations, CD's, tapes, firesides or this web site, I do not wish to imply historical or theological connections between the various beliefs identified and the Latter-day-Saints, many people may think there are such connections, but that is up to the individual to draw such conclusions. As mentioned elsewhere I do research on the basis that the basic tenet of the Latter-day Saint position is that THE GOSPEL IS A RESTORATION. A restoration of ideas, doctrines, practices, and related teachings not only from the time of the Primitive Church, but also of all earlier dispensations. If the restoration is valid there should be similarities between not only writings of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but of other religious groups of other historical periods and locales. It is obvious to those who study the Gospel restored by Joseph Smith that it was clearly and deeply rooted in the Old Testament. Just review the keys that were restored to Joseph, most were from Old Testament Figures. While the Dead Sea Scrolls provide many such similarities there are other groups that are also rich in parallels, including the MANDEANS, ZORISTRIANS, MANICHEANS, SYRIC, ARMENIAN AND COPTIC TEACHINGS, NATIVE AMERICAN, CENTRAL AMERICAN, ANCIENT CHINESE, SOUTH AMERICAN, SLAVIC and many others as my more than 70 tapes and CD's reflect. A good resource reference for understanding this approach and limitation is: THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS-QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES FOR LATTER-DAY SAINTS by Donald W. Parry and Stephen D. Ricks, as well as many other excellent booklets and publications being provided by FARMS, to which all Latter Day Saints ought to subscribe. Non LDS might find their list of publications most interesting as well.

I will include a partial list of such similarities and parallels to Mormon doctrine and practices that I have found in my studies of the various Dead Sea Scrolls, and in books by many authors dealing with the subject of the Scrolls. I will be trying to not duplicate efforts made by FARMS and Hugh Nibley in their many publications. Some of the information and materials are included in papers that I prepared as early as 1954 and published by BYU, and tapes that were prepared by 1974, before FARMS was formed and their preparation and publication of all of the works of NIBLEY. My personal Library includes more than 800 titles on the Dead Sea Scrolls, accumulated as they were being published, beginning in 1951. Most of them are now out of print.

I will refer to various scrolls and publications, and those books and authors that I will refer to the most include: THE DEAD SEA SCRIPTURES IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION by THEODOR H. GASTER (referred to hereafter as GASTER). THE SECRETS OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS by HUGH J. SCHONFIELD, (SCHONFIELD), the DEAD SEA MANUAL OF DISCIPLINE by WILLIAM HUGH BROWNLEE (BROWNLEE), one of the first publications on the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1951. THE SCROLLS AND CHRISTIAN ORIGINS, by MATHEW BLACK, (BLACK), THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS, by A. DUPONT-SOMMER (SOMMER), THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS AND PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANITY by JEAN DANIELOU (DANIELOU), ESSAY ON THE SEMITIC BACKGROUND OF THE NEW TESTAMENT by JOSEPH A. FITSMYER, (FITZMYER), DISCOVERY IN THE JUDAN DESERT, by GEZA VERMES, (VERMES), DEAD SEA DISCOVERIES: MESSIANISM, VOL 2, NO. 2, JUNE 1995, by JAMES C. VANDERKAM (VANDERKAM), THE BOOKS OF ENOCH, ARAMAIC FRAGMENTS OF QUMRAN CAVE 4, Edited by J.I. MILIK, (MILIK), THE FAITH OF CUMRAN, by ELMER RINGGREN (RINGGREN) and A GENESIS APOCRYPHON, by NAHMAN AVIGAD & YIGAEL YADIN (YADIN), as well as others mentioned in the text. SCROLLS are referred by cave number in which they were found, an abbreviation for the scroll or some feature about it, and sometimes some other identifying letter (1QS) . Fragments are identified by cave and fragment number. (4Q376). This is not intended to be an exhaustive study, but hopefully it will be sufficient to indicate the many avenues that can be productively pursued.

I will number the ideas, practices, and doctrines, that seem to be parallel or suggest some similarity to LDS doctrine and practices in sequence for future reference and perhaps enlargement; sources can be referred to for context.

  • 1 - Prayer
  • 2 - Restoration
  • 3 - Church of Some Type
  • 4 - Conclave
  • 5 - Bishops and Presiding Bishops
  • 6 - Godhead of Three
  • 7 - Tithing
  • 8 - Theology of History and a Plan
  • 9 - Doctrine of Translation
  • 10 - Restoration in Last Days
  • 11 - Gifts of the Spirit and Crown of Glory and Garments of Glory
  • 12 - Laying of of Hands for Healing
  • 13 - Dwell with God on an Eternal Height in Eternal Light and Fill the Universe with Your Seed
  • 14 - Genealogy
  • 15 - Tradition of Buried Records
  • 16 - Peculiear Manner of Burying the Scrolls
  • 17 - New Name and Key Words
  • 18 - Angels-Prophets-Ancient Writings-Prophecies
  • 19 - Patriarchal Blessings
  • 10 - Temple to be Built in Last Days
  • 21 - World to be Destroyed by Fire
  • 22 - New Jerusalem
  • 23 - Melchizedek
  • 24 - Messianic Vision
  • 25 - Urim and Thummim
  • 26 - Zenos a Lost Prophet
  • 27 - The Devil, Satan
  • 28 - Baptismal Rites
  • 29 - Elect of God
  • 30 - Proclaiming Salvation and an Assembly of Gods
  • 31 - The Ten Copies of Isaiah in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Mormon
  • 32 - Two Witnesses
  • 33 - Prophets

All research and opionions presented on this site are the sole responsibility of Dr. Einar C. Erickson, and should not be interpreted as official statements of the doctrines, beliefs or practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
To find out more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please see their offical websites at ChurchOfJesusChrist.org