Dr. Einar C. Erickson
Ancient Document Mormon Scholar
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I am still a spirit, I have not been tabernacled in the flesh.

I am so excited to find this website, I had searched for Dr. Einar Erickson on the web several years ago hoping to find a way to purchase some of his tapes that I had worn out. I have listened to them so many times and I truly learned to think in the vocabulary of his research...

This is a short and probably silly story but recently my daughter was speaking to a man that she met on an LDS singles site and he truly looked interesting. However after much prayer and thought... several spiritual communications that ranged from positives to absolute no's, I was sitting on my couch praying about the matter (she had not met him in person yet). All of a sudden the thought presented itself to my mind that he was a 'son of belial'. A throwback to Dr. Erickson's tapes. Once I heard that answer, the discussion was pretty much finished. I related this revelation to my 22 year old son who asked what is a son of belial... he has never had the privelege of hearing Dr. Erickson. So this prompted me to do a search on the internet.

I love Dr. Erickson's voice, his enthusiasm, and his testimony. I look forward to sharing these things with my children who were quite young when I used to listen to his tapes. I learned enough from Dr. Erickson that we must certainly avoid 'the sons of belial'... (yeah, that's supposed to be humorous).

All research and opionions presented on this site are the sole responsibility of Dr. Einar C. Erickson, and should not be interpreted as official statements of the doctrines, beliefs or practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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