Dr. Einar C. Erickson
Ancient Document Mormon Scholar
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Adam imparted revelation to his son Seth and showed him his original greatness before the transgression and his going out of paradise. He recommended his son Seth never fail in justice. Seth welcomed the teachings of his father with a pure heart. It was given to him to inscribe this wisdom in a book and to teach it. And thanks to him for the first time in this world there was seen a book written in the name of the Most High. A righteous God-given book.



With this addition to the Book  of Mormon names and Akkaddian study, the thrilling and very rewarding journey of nearly thirteen years is completed. The things learned and realized are too many to summarize, except to state emphatically this study has proven to me the Book of Mormon is absolutely true, that the Great Prophet  Joseph, was just that, a prophet, and by the Gift of God he had translated an authentic  complex and enduring epic account of multiple migrations to this continent  and the workings of the Great Jehovah among them. I have been up close and intimate with every person named in the book, and I know of every place name and city where it all happened. And I have visited physically many of the places where it most likely took place. I was totally immersed in the project, and now, for eternity I will have recall of that fantastic journey, I am one grateful person.

Zeniff was father of the corrupt king Noah, grandfather of king Limhi, and leader of a group of Nephites who left Zarahemla in the hope of  re-establishing themselves in their ancestral lands.  

Zeniff was active 200 BC to 160 BC. [See Chronology of Events (Pinegar pp. 203-208) He was a Nephite commander of an army returning southward to reclaim the ancestral lands from which the Lord had commanded, earlier, for Mosiah to flee. (Omni 1L:12-13, 27-30) He was a principled leader “having been taught in all the language of the Nephites, and having a knowledge of the Land of Nephi, the land of  [their] father’s  first inheritance. (Mosiah 9:1) Coming upon the Lamanites he saw there was much good among them and refused to destroy them as commanded. (Mosiah 9:1) Zeniff’s commander, “being an austere and a blood thirsty man” (Mosiah 9:2) ordered Zeniff’s execution, causing an intense battle with only fifty of the contingent and Zeniff surviving,  who then returned to Zarahemla for a time. Zeniff was still zealous to recover the land (Mosiah 9:3), so he reorganized his group and set off again. This time he made a treaty with Laman the King of the Lamanites for part of the land. Laman wanted to enslave them, but for several decades Zeniff and his people labored to preserve and sustain their families, defending themselves” in the strength of the Lord,” from incursions by the Lamanites. (Mosiah 9:17)

Zeniff provides the most comprehensive reason why the Lamanites were trying to kill the Nephites all of the time. (1) “They believed that they had been wrongly deprived of their inheritance in Jerusalem, (2)  that they  had been wronged  in transit to the  New World and during the initial settlement  period when Nephi wrested from them their right to leaderships, and (3) that they had been robbed of the plates of brass.” (Mosiah 10:12-16; Pinegar p. 195) “They…taught their children that they should hate [the Nephites], and that they should murder them and that they should rob and plunder them and do all they could to destroy them; therefore they have an eternal hatred towards the children of Nephi.” (Mosiah 10:17; Pinegar p. 195; Largey p. 802) That all sounds way too familiar, doesn’t it?

Zeniff countered with the observation that Nephi was more faithful and obedient, the Lord favored him, heard his prayers and answered them, and led them in the wilderness. (Mosiah 10:13) The Lamanites “understood not the dealings of the Lord.” (Mosiah 7:21)

Zeniff, under the banner of truth, became king of the colony and reigned for forty years, leading them to victory over the Lamanites, with stability and peace for a period of time until he conferred the kingdom on his son Noah. Who because of his unrighteousness permitted the colony to be enslaved by the Lamanites. The last words of Zeniff were a prayer:  ”and may the Lord bless my people.” (Mosiah 19:22) Mosiah, confirmed the Lord’s  blessings. Wen he later read the accounts left by Zeniff,  Alma and others, to his people. They were in awe at the blessings given and how  the Lord led them out of bondage. And were filled with an “exceedingly great joy.” (Mosiah 25:5-8; Pinegar pp. 105-196; (Bigelow p. 375)

Noah took over the leadership as the second of the colonial kings, and you know the story of the dramatic visits of Abinadi about  150 BC. That’s a story told elsewhere.

Zeniff’s grandson, Limhi  replaced the deposed and executed Noah about  145 BC.  A search party from Zarahemla  led by Ammon later discovered Limhi  and his group and, led by the Lord, all the surviving colonists returned to Zarahemla about 121 BC.  Alma’s group arrived in  Zarahemla about a year later.

Of the ten names that remain in the glossary to be discussed, from ZENIFF to ZORAMITE, the firsts three, ZENIFF, ZENOCK,  and ZENOS,  all have the prefix element ZN- and are not found in the Neo-Assyrian or Hebrew sources. But they are found in the Akkadian sources (Black p. 446) with the general meaning of “malevolent, angry, offended” with the suffix generally identifying who or what is angry or offended.                             

The name ZENIFF also has the double consonant FF, while double consonants  are characteristic of Akkadian there is no use of the letter F in Akkadian. Notice in the Book of Mormon Glossary there are no names that begin with an F, and the letter F is not used. F is not used in the Neo-Assyrian sources either. (Radner p. 109)  And it is not found in Hebrew. (Mandel p. 164) The northwest border of the Akkadian empire was the same border as the southeast boundaries of the Hittites.  The Hittite language does not use the letters F or G. (Klockhorst  p.267) The Hittites were located anciently where Turkey is today. The Egyptians also use a ph rather than an F, so a related language or dialect  must be involved and a borrowing has taken place. There are many                          tribes and peoples in the  surrounding countries and all of  them are trading back and forth, but for most of them there are no existing dictionaries to refer to,  as yet.


Was a prophet who lived after the days of Abraham (Hel. 8:19-20) which would mean he was not related to the earlier Jaredite era in anyway. His teachings were included in the Plates of Brass and were frequently quoted. (1 Ne. 19:20, 21) Zenock was an ancestor of the family of Lehi, and therefore of the Book of  Mormon peoples (3 Ne. 10:16). He is referred to five times in the Book of Mormon, centering on the redemptive power, mercy, and earthly mission, of the Messiah. He taught that the Son of God would come to redeem his people. (Alma 34:78; Hel. 8:18-20) He told them the Lord was angry with the people for refusing to understand the mercies which had been bestowed upon them because of the Son (Alma 33{14-17). Zenoch prophesied that the Savior would be crucified (1 Ne.19:10). And that great destruction would accompany his death (3 Ne. 10:14-15; Largey p. 803). Because the people would not understand him, they stoned him to death (Alma 33:17). Alma the younger was the only Book of Mormon leader to quote ZENOCK directly  (Alma 13:16-17; Bigelow p. 375-376).

The name has the prefix ZEN which is discussed under ZENIFF above. While there are more than ten names in the Akkadian dictionary with the prefix having the general meaning of ‘angry, offended, etc., depending on the suffix for who is made angry or being offended, ZENOCK has an unusual suffix: -OCK.  As mentioned, Zenock lived after Abraham who  may have been speaking Aramaic. The name did not come down from the Jaredites because Akkadian does not use an O or a C,  they used a U in place of an O, so we  get ZENUCK. The suffix was derived from some other source than the West Semitic languages prevalent from Jaredite times down to Abraham and it would be another 500 or more years before Hebrew would emerge. However, Abraham’s writing inform us of a significant Egyptian influence  in Ur in his days, the Egyptians have a God  with the names SOKAR, S-OCH-ARIS, S-OCK-ARIS, SUCHOS, (Shorter p. 141) so there may be an Egyptian influence.  The name ZENOCK may mean:  ‘don’t offend the God Sockaris.’ More research may find a more elucidating answer. It is one of those names Mormon did not care to clarify, deliberately!

The propensity for the Nephites to quote the prophets ZENOS and ZENOCK is because the Nephites are descendants of those prophets: “The  prophet Zenock spake concerning  these things, because they testified particularly concerning us, who are the remnant of their seed.”  (3 Ne. 10:16; Ludlow p. 260)  


More than Isaiah, the Prophet Zenos is quoted in the Book of Mormon more extensively than any other of the ancient Hebrew Prophets.

Zenos was of the lineage of Joseph, Lehi was also of this lineage, which lineage was in the Brass Plates along with his writings. (1 Ne. 19:12; 3 Ne.  10:15-17) Zenos  was  a prophet before the time Lehi left Jerusalem. Where was he sent that they would be so evil that they would kill him? (Hel. 8:19) Zenos prophesied that the Redeemer would be buried in a sepulcher after his crucifixion, and that three days of darkness would be experienced by those “who should inhabit the isles of the sea…especially those who are of the house of Israel.” (1 Ne. 19:10) And there would be wide spread calamities  “many of the kings of the isles of the sea shall be wrought upon by the Spirit of God, to exclaim: The God  of nature suffers.” (1 Ne. 19:12; 3 Ne. 8:3-25) And those in Jerusalem would be scourged and scattered.  But when the house of Israel return their hearts again to the Savior he would remember the covenants He had made with their fathers. And “all the earth shall see the salvation of the Lord, saith the prophet, every nation, kindred, tongue and people shall In Jacob’s writings he included  the, magnificent and all encompassing allegory of the tame and wild  olive trees, symbolic of the divine scattering and gathering of Israel over the generations of time,  (Jacob 5) and “they would be blessed.” (1 Ne.  19:17; Pinegar p. 107)  Alma quoted Zenos in teaching the Zoramites about the doctrine of prayer, one of the finest on prayer anywhere.  (Alma 33:3-11) Nephi, son of Helaman, bore witness about the mission of the Savior taught by Zenos “That Redemptions cometh through the Son of God,“  (Alma 14:7) “And  now I would that ye should know that even since the days of Abraham there have been many prophets that have testified of these things, yea, behold the prophet Zenos did testify boldly; for which he was slain.” (Hel. 8:19) Samuel the Lamanite, cited Zenos in prophesying to the people that the Lamanites would one day be restored to a knowledge of the truths of the gospel. (Hel.  15:11) This saw partial fulfilment in the Church News   Oct 22, 2017, when the church released a notice that the scriptures would be translated in 34 ADDITIONAL languages. Some were Native  American languages, including Navajo. To publish the scriptures in any language you have to have converted people who need them for their                                    edification and guidance.

As noticed under ZENIFF above, while ZENOS  has the consonant element ZN-, it has an unusual suffix as well adding another consonant to the element:  ZNS. There are about eight names that end with -S in the glossary, most are unique, Roman, Greek, or other. The name does not appear in any of the Western Semitic languages, but there is almost an exact match in HITITE: ZENAS (ZENOS), with the vowels interchangeable, and with the meaning ‘late in the season,’ ‘autumn.’ (Kloekhorst p. 1034) ZENOS may have been a late but wanted, child Another near match is ZENAS, A Christian who lived in Crete about the time of Paul. The name in Hebrew is ‘gift of  Zeus.’ (Buttrick p. 950).

The next three names in the glossary, after Zenos,  are ZERAHEMNAH, ZERAM and ZERIN.  These three have the same consonantal prefix ZR.


ZERAHEMNAH was a Lamanite general who was defeated by captain Moroni, the Nephite supreme commander, and Lehi in a fierce battle on the river Sidon about 74 BC. ZERAHEMNAH had assembled a massive coalition of Lamanite and Nephite dissenters to subjugate the Nephites into bondage. Aware of the bitter animosity  and “murderous disposition” of the Amalekites and Zoramites, he cunningly appointed chief captains from among them. (Alma 43:5-8, 13) But ZERAHEMNAH  could not withstand the power of the  Nephites faith in Christ. (Alma 44:3) Extensive body armor also gave the advantage to the Nephites. (Alma 43:19-22). And the Nephites had the advantage of the revelations to Alma of the Lamanite battle plans, (Alma 43:23-24) so Moroni could strategically surround the Lamanite forces. The  Nephites were fighting for family and Church, the Lamanites wanted to enslave all the Nephites. (Alma 43:45)              

The strategies of Moroni struck panic and terror among the Lamanites. Moroni called a halt to the conflict and offered to accept their surrender under a covenant of peace. (Alma 43:53-54; 44:6). The terms were unacceptable, when Moroni restated his position, Zerahemnah  rushed him with a sword , a  guard grabbed him by the hair and  scalped him and raised the scalp on the point of his sword and declared: ‘Even as this scalp has fallen to the earth, which is the scalp of your chief, so shall ye fall to the earth except ye will deliver up your weapons of war and depart with a covenant of peace.” (Alma 44:14; Pinegar p. 198)

 Many of the Lamanites surrendered under the covenant of peace. The rest resumed combat. As they neared evident annihilation,  Zerahemnah surrendered under a covenant not to war against the Nephites again. (Alma 44:3-19) The whole episode was a contrast between righteous and evil purposes for war. (Alma 8-9, 29-30; 45:47; Largey p. 808)

ZERAHMNAH is a compound name made up of other names not all from the same culture. As we dissect the name we get:  ZE,  ZER, ZERAH, HMN (HAMMON) and AH, an abbreviation for Jehovah and the consonant element ZRH. Six names and word elements make up the name.

ZE:  The element ZE is found in the tablets of EBLA for two names or words, one meaning ‘come out, or come forth’  the other, ’protection,‘ with sixteen other names and words having the ZE as a prefix. (Pagan p. 384) The city of EBLA was destroyed in 2250  BC by the Akkadians. The tablets, where some Book of Mormon names are found on them, are older than the time of the burning of the palace archive where they were found. Such names may have been known among the Jaredites.  

ZER: This name, or element, is found in the Akkadian dictionary, and has the meaning of ‘seed producing, seed(corn), grain, fodder, human seed or offspring,’’ in more than ten listings  of words and names, as may be identified by the suffix, suggesting considerable antiquity for this element. (Black p. 446) The element is also found in many Hebrew names. (Buttrick pp. 953-956) The Neo-Assyrian dictionary has four pages of names, most using the prefix  ZER- to mean human offspring of one type or another, (Baker pp. 1441-1444) including the word ZERU-INNA-AIA, a pleading for children, ‘give me offspring, O Ea!’ (Baker p. 1444) Many of these words refer back to Akkadian forms confirming their antiquity.

ZERAH: ZERAH was the name of the son of Reuel the son of Esau, (Gen. 36:4, 18, 13, 17) ZERAH: This element or name is found in Hebrew meaning ‘to rise shine, come forth.’ It was the name of the Father of Jobab, second of the early kings of Edom (Gen. 38:29-30; 1 Ch. 1:44)   Son of Judah by Tamar, progenitor of the Judean clan, listed as a link in the genealogy of Christ. (Mat. 1:3; Hastings p. 848)  Son  of Simeon and progenitor of a Simeonite clan. (Num. 26:13) Son and Descendant of Levi through Gershom (1 Ch.  6:21, 41) An Ethiopian who invaded Judah with a vast army, including 300 chariots, and marched  within 20 miles of Jerusalem but  with God’s help, was  routed in battle. None remained alive. (Gardner p. 436; 2 Chr. 14:13) In Hebrew names you get ZERAHIAH meaning ‘JEHOVAH shone forth.’  (Buttrick  p. 954; 2 Ch. 14:9-15; Douglas pp. 1681-1682) and  ZERUIAH meaning  ‘the Balm [light] of Yahveh.’ ( Gardner  p. 437)  

HMN: These consonants in the middle of the name ZERAHEMNAH are an exact match for a Phoenician name, HMN. ‘Hammon,’ “Lord of the Incense Altar” (Benz p. 312) one of the Gods in the pantheon of the Phoenicians.

ZRH this consonant grouping is found among Amorite  personal names and is interpreted to mean  ‘to sow or seed.’ (Huffman p. 188) in keeping with the meaning in other sources. 

The final suffix of the name is AH, an abbreviation for Yehveh

The above brief analysis of the name ZERAHEMNAH suggests the name may have had the intended meaning: “May Yahveh, Lord of the Altar,  come forth and shine on and protect my offspring.”  Whatever, the parents of this man had to have had a knowledge of the Jaredites, the content of the Plates of Brass, the Mulekites, and Hebrew. Or, maybe, they just wanted a pleasant sounding name?  They could have called him ZE or ZERA for short.


At the beginning of his tenure as the first chief judge, Alma sent out spies, one of which was ZERAM, to discover the location of Amlici,  dissenter and rebel, and his followers who had failed in their attempt to overthrow the government about  87 BC. (Alma 2:21-25)  ZERAM returned to tell Alma that Amlici and his followers had joined with the Lamanites who were even then descending upon the Nephites with a massive army, above the land of Zarahemla, slaying as they marched forth. Alma met force with force and in the battle that ensued, the Nephites army was victorious as a result of the intelligence gathered by ZERAM and his companions. Limher, Manti, and Amnor. (Pinegar  p. 198; Largey, BM, p. 82)

In the name ZERAM, with the prefix ZR- and a suffix of –AM, a mimation ending, we have found frequently in the Jaredite names, the suggestion is that the name is ancient and related to the upper, or northern,  older,  West Semitic languages of Mesopotamia. There are more than 25 names in Akkadian that have the ZER-ZERA prefix, many of those have the meaning associated with ‘seed, grain, corn,…’ (Black p. 446), and in the form of ZERAM it has a match in Amorite. The Amorites were located along the northern borders of the ten tribes when they went into the promised land. They were a thorn in the side of the Israelites. So the name ZERAM is found in the Amoritic names and words such as ZARAM.  (Gelb p. 532) In the closing centuries of the third millennium, a wave of nomads speaking a West Semitic tongue, swept over all the centers of the Crescent. In Akkadian documents they are called the “People of Amurru” (The West) and in the Bible, the AMORITES. (Aharoni p. 24)  Note that Professor AHARONI, an Israelite, has an interesting suffix  to his name.  Compare it with a well known  Mormon name: MORONI . The Lord does not deal in coincidences. Nibley thought ZERAM might be related to Hebrew ZEREM, meaning ‘heavy rain’ in his book  An Approach to the Book of Mormon, but that was four years before the work on Amorite names by Gelb.


Ether gave a dissertation on faith with some prime examples including one from the life of the Brother of Jared.  Elder Reynolds had a son born to him at the same time Joseph Smith was passing by and he called the prophet in to give the new baby a name and a blessing. The name Joseph gave the new born boy was MAHONRI MORIANCUMER which Joseph said was the name of the brother of Jared the lord had revealed to him while he was giving the blessing. (Sperry pp. 465-66) The place where the Jaredites landed in the new world they called MORIANCUMER. (Ibid) “The brother said to the mountain ZERIN. “REMOVE” - -and it was removed. And if he had not had faith it would not have removed; wherefore thou workest after men have faith.” (Ibid; Ether 112:30; Largey BM, p. 808)

The name is a Jaredite place name, the name of a Mountain, appearing first in the Book of Mormon in Ether 12:30. (Shapiro p. 1079)

The name ZERI is in the name ZERIN, with a nunation, or ending using an N,  and appearing in the Akkadian Dictionary as ZERI-QU and ZERI-U.  The first has to do with “grain fodder” the second with “seed (corn).” (Black p. 446) It may have something to do with corn, important in Central America, and somehow the brother of Jared was dissatisfied with the mountain for some good reason having to do with food supply. Or he may have moved the mountain to get its production of a food supply in a more accessible place.  The details may be in the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon.  It is an exact match for a Biblical name, ZERI, meaning ‘balm.’… “ the name of a son of Jeduthun responsible for the service of song in David’s time.” (Lockyer p. 348)     


Ziff in the form of ZIPH in Hebrew means ‘refining place’ fitting into something of metallic value that could be taxed. (Locykyer p. 351) “And he laid a tax of one fifth part of all they possessed, a fifth part of their gold, and of their silver, and a fifth part of their ZIFF, and of their copper, and of their brass and iron; and a fifth part of their fatlings and also a fifth part of all their grain.” (Mosiah 11:3) Joseph recognized no American counterpart for Ziff so he left the word intact. Ziff is listed in value as third in the list of gold and silver and so it may have been some sort of precious metal alloy also there is the possibility of a precious metal  being alloyed in some way with  copper. (Mos. 11:8) It may have something to do with the abundance of gold reflected in the Book of Mormon. In central America there is an alloy called tambaga. A natural alloy of copper and gold that has the appearance of gold, but is lighter in weight.  A recent discovery of such an alloy of gold and copper has recently been found at Prospect Mt. south of Eureka, Nevada  by my grandson,  Ari Erickson. The alloy looks like gold and smears and is malleable like gold. They will eventually give it name. It is unusual evidence of an authentic ancient document  with a metallurgical challenge. ( Sorensen p.  294)

ZIFF has several possible Hebraic derivations:  ‘bright or shining’ and ‘plated,’ from Ty Erickson, personal correspondence with John Tvedtnes, Israel, 1975. (Sorenson p. 284) It is bright, It is shining, and it streaks; or plates, and smears, and it is golden.

The second month of the Hebrew Calender (May) is called ZIF (Nave p. 1463; 1 Kin. 6:1, 37) The double consonant, FF, is not used in this instance. But it is a match!

There are three Biblical names that use the PH elements in lieu of the letter F,  the letter F is only used in the Bible for Greek names. (Lockyer pp. 118-120)


ZION is “the society of the pure in heart; the city of God. (Moses 7:14-31) the establishment of unity and love within a community of holy people of covenant.  In December 1830 Joseph received knowledge of the  patriarch Enoch and his ancient  city called Zion. (Moses 7:18-19) Among the early dispensations and patriarchs, Enoch is said to be the seventh from Adam. His dispensation was the second great dispensing of the gospel on earth. “…among all the dispensations of the gospel Committed to man the dispensation given to Enoch was one of the most glorious.” (Roberts pp. 75-76) In Moses “Chapter 7, the Lord came to abide with his people who lived in righteousness and were one in Heart, and wealth; Zion, city of Holiness was established.” (Anderson p. 71)  “7:16 …the Lord came and dwelt with his people …18….And the Lord called his people ZION…19…And Enoch continued his preaching…and …in his days…he built a city that was called the City of Holiness, even ZION.” (Anderson p. 71; Moses 7: 19-21)  Enoch “saw the Lord, and he [and all his people]  walked with him and was before his face continually…there hundred and sixty –five years.” (Moses 7:69; Largey p. 191. Topical Guide pp. 414-415)


The Lord told Moses he had created innumerable worlds. They could not be resurrected until after Christ had broken the chains of death, so much  of the people of other  worlds that  qualified for translation were taken up by the Father into his own bosom.  “For thou hast taken Zion to thine own bosom, from all thy creations, from all eternity to all eternity.” (Moses 7:31) Enoch saw angels descending out of heaven, bearing the testimony  of the Father and  Son;  and the Holy Ghost fell on many, and they were caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion. (Moses 7:27-31)  “Zion, in process of time, was taken up into heaven.” Moses 7:21. 69)


”The Lord…has kept authorized servants on the earth bearing the priesthood from the days of Adam to the present time…there has never been a moment from the beginning that there were not men on earth holding the Holy Priesthood.” (Peterson p. 202)  Melchizedek’s community “sought for the city of Enoch” and “obtained heaven“ (JST Gen. 14;32-34; Galbraith p. 41)


The word Zion, the ancient  city  Salem, or Zion,  may derive from the Hebrewtsayan,’ meaning “perfection,” or  Shalem,  “the city of perfection.” (Galbraith pp. 40-42)  So Zion goes back to the Adamic dispensation, and the great city of Enoch which was translated, city and Land and all. Melchizedek people were translated to be with Enoch. (Taylor pp. 84-85; Galbraith p. 41) At the time of King David, the city was occupied by Jebusites, but it was taken from them. (2 Samuel 5:6-9; Galbraith pp. 38-43; Nave p. 1463 )


“Enoch’s Zion became the pattern the scriptural prototype for the Latter Day Saints… There was the repeated command…keep my commandments and seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion.” (D&C 6:5; 11:6; 12:6; 14:6… thus Zion came to be associated with the restored Church and the work of the Restoration. ZION  in the last  days will be “the only people that shall not be at war one with another.” (D&C  42:9) “It shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most High ‘God.” (D&C 45:66) The new song of Zion is recorded in D&C 84:99-102)


“On 20 July  31, 1831 …the… saints learned that the Land of Missouri was the land…appointed and consecrated for the gathering of the saints…the land of promise…and the place for the City of Zion…The place ….called Independence.


“…Independence…the center place (D&C 57:1-3)…where the chief temple will stand…to which the Lord shall come,…the law shall go forth to govern all the earth…that center place …in a day to come will be the Zion of our God and the City of Holiness…the site is selected, the place is known, the decree has gone forth and the promised destiny is assured. (D&C 52; HC 1, 189-190)


“It will be called the New Jerusalem a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the most High God…out of every Nation …and Enoch’s city…will be united with the Latter day Zion…and there shall be mine abode …and for a thousand years the earth shall rest…(Moses 7:82-64)  “A New Jerusalem should be built on this land unto the remnant of the seed of Joseph.” (Ether 13:3-130; D&C 57) The site of the temple was located and dedicated Aug 31, 1831. (D&C 58) and will be a governing center for his kingdom after his return. (D&C 45:64-71; 57:2-3; 2 Ne. 12; 3 Ne. 29-22; 21:23; Moses 7:62 Largey p. 809) A choice seer shall be raised up. (2 Ne. 3-6-7) There will be a “marvelous work,” “I will establish again among them my Zion.” (3 Ne. 21:22) “I will  establish my church among them.” (3 Ne. 21:22; 1 Ne. 22:8-11; 2 Ne. 27-26) All of this IS being fulfilled while we live and breath.


 ”…out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 54:2; Largey DC, pp. 705-706) This will be implemented when he comes.

There is a significant presence of the church in Jackson County, Missouri, today, but the converts to the church gather in their own country and their own temples.

We are admonished to ”seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion.” (D&C 6:7)


The places where there are temples are “for refuge from the storm and from wrath when it shall be poured out without measure upon the whole earth.” (D&C 15:5-6) The “whole of America is Zion itself from north to south.” (Brigham Young, journal of Discourses, vol. 6:318-319) Brigham also said “Zion will be redeemed and built up, and the saints  will rejoice.”  So live your life that ZION will be found within you. (Largey, DC,  p. 705) “The way to come to ZION is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ; to believe his word, his doctrine, his gospel to worship the Father, in His name, by the power of the Holy Ghost.” (McConkie p. 571)


Zion often refers to Jerusalem and the Holy Mount upon which it is built. (2 Ne. 14:5; 18:18; 20:14; Isa. 30:19) It was Zion that the Lord loved (1 Ne 21:14), would comfort, (2 Ne. 8:3) would defend, (1 Ne. 22:14) and would purge, (2 NE 13:16-26).

No group of people in the Book of Mormon better satisfied the characteristics of Zion than those living after the Savior’s visits to the Western Hemisphere (4 Ne.  1:1 -18), because of the love of GOD, without envy, strife, whoredoms, lasciviousness; with social harmony, no poverty, and dealt justly; a holy people, a covenant people!  “Surely  there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.” (4 Ne:1:16). “ The Nephite Zion lasted two hundred years before they returned to old rivalries and lost their favored status.” (4 Ne. 1:24-45; Largey  BM, p. 809)  


Today there are two Zions: The name is applied to Jerusalem, and collectively, the places, the forms, and the assemblies of Israelitish           or Jewish worship. (Nave p. 1463) Half the world’s population of the Jews, orthodox and reform, alike, have now gathered in Israel. The Jewish temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount as described in (Eze. chapters 40-44). The rest of the Jewish diaspora are still scattered among the nations. Mormon ordinances will not be performed in that temple. A Mormon temple will built in Jerusalem before the millennium to make available the critical ordinances for Jew and Arab and others. “For it is ordained that in Zion [Mormon Zion], and in her stakes, and in Jerusalem, [Jewish Zion] those places [temples] that have been appointed for refuge, shall be the places for your baptisms for your dead.”D&C 124:36) A summary of most aspects of Zion is provided by the Prophet Joseph Smith. (Smith p.539)  Nave provides a summary of aspects of Zion from the first temple built by Solomon, down to the temple Herod was rebuilding at the time of Christ. (Nave p. 1463)

There are many things to be done before earth’s rightful King comes to   take over the Kingdoms of this world.  “A century and a half ago the saints could have  built a City of Holiness, called Zion…that day of opportunity passed…. And the Lord’s people began the arduous process of establishing stakes of ZION in all nations as part of a schooling process to prepare them for the day when they would build ZJON itself.” (McConkie p. 591) That day will come! “And there shall be my abode and it shall be Zion.” (Moses 7:64) “….And the Lamb shall stand on Mount Zion.” (Topical Guide p. 414-415)

ZORAM (1):

There are three ZORAMS in the Book of Mormon, we are concerned here with ZORAM who was the servant, a slave, of Laban.  He was a trusted man holding Laban’s treasury keys. Nephi, through inspired stratagems disguised in Laban’s cloths and cloak and with Laban’s sword, compelled ZORAM to get the plates of brass and give to him, and under duress, but a promise of freedom, to join Nephi’s family. (1 Ne. 4:33-35; Nibley  pp. 391, 397)  ZORAM would have a place with the family. (1 Ne. 4:343) Being a slave his tribal linage is never  given, he may not have even been an Israelite. (Nibley p. 545; Largey,  BM p. 809) See under ZERAM above. It seems as though Zoram may have been a captured Amorite, a people who occupied land north of the territories given to the two sons of Joseph. That would account of him being a slave to a  member of the tribe of Mannaseh. No meaning of the name is given in the records. (Gelb p. 522)

ZORAM’s marriage to Ishmael’s oldest daughter (1 Ne. 16:7) may indicate he was older than the sons of Lehi. When Lehi was blessing the family he included Zoram and commended his faithfulness and called him “a true friend unto my son, Nephi forever.”  Lehi promised ZORAM because of his faithfulness his seed would prosper with the seed of Nephi, upon this land forever.“ (2 Ne. 1:30-32) When Nephi and his followers split from Laman and his followers, ZORAM was numbered among the believers including Nephi’s sisters and two younger brothers, who accompanied Nephi. (2 Ne. 5:6; Largey,  BM, p. 809; Pinegar  p. 200)

ZORAM (2:) was the name given to the Chief captain of the Nephite armies about 81 BC. As prophesized by Alma, the city of Ammoniha was destroyed and many Nephites there and in the area were taken captive. (Alma 9:18-19) To rescue them, ZORAM and his sons Lehi and Aha, asked Alma, the High Priest, to ask God where they should go to rescue them.  Alma did so, and gave inspired instructions to ZORAM and his army to cross the River Sidon, enter the south wilderness, there they found the Lamanites. They scattered them and rescued all the captives. (Alma 16:4-8)

Zoram (3): was the Nephite Apostate and leader of the Zoramites who “separated themselves from the Nephites.” And gathered into the land  of Antionum. There Zoram led “the hearts of the people to bow down in dumb idols.” (Alma 30:59; 31:3; Largey BM, p. 810) Alma and his companions went to these people to do missionary work. Nothing is given in the record if this Zoram was related to Laban’s slave. (Pingar p. 200) Zoram is an example of Nephite papponymy.

According to Nibley the name has been identified in both Hebrew and Arabic forms and sources. (Nibley 2nd Ed.  p. 235)


A ZORAMITE is a descendant of the man ZORAM, former servant of Laban. The Zoramites constituted one of the divisions of the Nephite People. “Now the people which were not Lamanites were Nephites nevertheless they were called NEPHITES, Jacobites, Jospehites, ZORAMITES , Lamanites, Lemuelites and Ishmaelites. (Jacob 1:13-14) “The knowledge of a Savior come unto my people—And to the Nephites, and the Jacobites, and the Josephites, and the ZORAMITES, through the testimony of their fathers…that the promises of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he made to this people;…upon the merits of Jesus Christ and be glorified through faith in his name and that through their repentance they might be saved, Amen.”  (D&C 3:16-20)  How many temples are there in Mexico, Central America and South America doing this work now?  (Pinegar pp. 200-201) There are more than 100 stakes in Peru alone, and temples built and announced for that country. .



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GELB, Ignace J., Computer-Aided Analysis of Amorite, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago., Ill. 198

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HUFFMAN, Herbert, Amorite Personal names in the Mari Texts, John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1965  

LARGEY, Dennis L., BM, The Book of Mormon Reference Companion, Desert Book Co., Salt lake City, Utah. 2003

LARGEY, Dennis L. & Larry E. Dahl, DC, The Doctrine and Covenants Reference Companion, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, 2012

LOCKYER, Herbert, All the Men of the Bible, Zondervan  Publishing House, Grand Rapids, 1958

LUDLOW, Daniel K., A Companion to Your Study of the Book of Mormon, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah., 1876

MANDEL, David, Who’s Who in the Tanakh, Ariel Books, Tel Aviv. Israel, 2004

McCONKIE, Bruce, A new Witness for the Articles of Faith, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake city, Utah, 1985

NAVE, Orville J., Nave’s Topical Bible, Moody Press, Chicago, 1974

NIBLEY, Hugh, The Prophetic Book of Mormon, vol. 8, FARMS, BYU, Provo, Utah,  Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City,  Utah, 1988

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PAGAN, Joseph Martin,  A Morphological and Lexical Study of the Ebla Texts,  Missione Archeologica Italiana in Siria, Universita Di Roma, Rome. 1998

PETERSON  Donl H., The Pearl of Great Price: A History and Commentary,  Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1987

PINEGAR,  Ed J.. & Richard Allen, Who’s Who in the Book of Mormon, Covenant Communications, American Fork, Utah,  2007

ROBERTS. B. H., Outline History of The Dispensations of the Gospel, The Deseret News, Salt lake City, Utah, 1908

SHORTER, Alan W., The Egyptian Gods, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Boston, 1937

SMITH, Joseph, Scriptural Teachings of the Prophet  Joseph Smith, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City,  Utah

SPERRY, Sidney, The Book of Mormon Compendium, Bookcraft, Salt Lake City, U tah, 1968

SORENSON, John, An Ancient American Setting for  the Book of Mormon, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1985

TAYLOR, John, Mediation and Atonement, Stevens and Wallis, Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah 1950               

TOPICAL GUIDE, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. 1981

All research and opionions presented on this site are the sole responsibility of Dr. Einar C. Erickson, and should not be interpreted as official statements of the doctrines, beliefs or practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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