Dr. Einar C. Erickson
Ancient Document Mormon Scholar
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The archeons have the purpose of denying knowledge to man, there is even an effort to forbid him to eat out of the tree of knowledge. But unknown to the evil archeon, but unknown to them the Father was acting through them. It was the Father's intention that man should eat. Temptations seem to be that the father knew man would disobey and order by the Gods.






This entry finishes the letter “M,” now we start working on “N” names. Many of the “Ns” are in the Old Testament so will only be given short treatments. In this effort to research and discuss all of the Book of Mormon names many of the names are  prominent figures about which much is known and knowledge of them is easy accessed, so we provide just a short discussion of these important figures. Putting all of the figures in their time and place reveals in great deal of  just how incredible the achievement of Joseph Smith was in providing us the Book of Mormon as  he did.


All that has been discussed before on MORONI applies here as well.

“And there was once more peace established among the people of Nephi. “And Moroni yielded up the command of his armies into the hands of his son, whose name was MORONIHAH; and he retired to his own house that he might spend the remainder of his days in peace.” (Alma 62:42-43) This was about 57 BC. He  was no doubt named after his father, another example of papponymyl  This is a good example of using an abbreviation or even nick name, , or hypocoristica, for the ending of a name. The IAH ending is frequently used.

MORONIAH, has the theophoric ending of –IAH, denoting JEHOVAH. The Nephites having took a lot of names out of the Jaredite record of the Book of Ether,  after it had been translated and became available, added some different suffixes to the endings as in this name but most endings were traditional.

Mormon listed MORONIAH as the name of the seventh of ten generals who each with their ten thousand men had been wiped out in the battles at CUMORAH about 385 AD. (Mormon 6:14)  Ten more are mentioned but not named, all of them and their armies had been killed as well. (Mormon 6:15) Mormon was greatly anguished and lamented deeply the destruction because of the wickedness of the people. (Mormon 6:16-22)

MORONIAH was the name of one of the iniquitous Nephite Cities that were destroyed at the time of Christ’s resurrection. “And the earth was carried up upon the city of Moronihah, that in the place of the city there became a great mountain.” (3 Nephi 8:10)


The great variety of roles which the early and late biblical material ascribes to MOSES is impressive. He performs almost every function attached to the office and callings that are subsequently known in Israel, except kingship, he was never a king.  He represents in germinal form, the whole future life of Israel. Condensed into this one man are the figures of prophet, priest, judge, law giver, intercessor, general, victor, exile, fugitive, shepherd, guide, healer, miracle- worker, man of God and rebel, Moses does not merely assist at the birth of Israel, in him Israel is born. “God made known his ways to Moses.”(Psalms  103:7) The restored Book of Moses, in the Mormon Canon, attests to that! Those who are outside the Church and who know little about the doctrines of preexistence, of how Moses was called and foreordained to all of his offices mentioned in scriptures, (Alma Chapter 13), particularly the roles he had to play as a translated being at the Mt. of Transfiguration (see below) or the keys and authorities he gave to Joseph Smith during the great Kirtland experiences (D&C 10:11). There he gave Joseph the keys of the gathering of Israel (D&C 124:38). He is redeemed and resurrected having been present in the spirit world when Christ visited there (D&C 133: 54- 55; 138:41). What the great Joseph gave us about Moses alone verified his role as a prophet. They have no idea of how great JOSEPH and MOSES really were and are.      

The length of Moses’ life runs  in cycles of forty years, a  figure frequently used in the Old Testament; a  round number interpreted to indicate a generation. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, 111, 133; Noerdlinger p. 17) From the time that Moses is three months old (Ex.2:2) to his reaching “fourscore years” (Ex. 7:7) he was an Egyptian.  Moses was adopted by Pharaoh and raised as an Egyptian Prince, heir to the throne. Al Beldawi, commentator on the Koran said that he lived thirty years in Pharaoh’s court. (Trans. G. Sale. London, 1950) He was regularly called the young king.  His learning comprises all the fields of learning. (Philo. VI 287-289) “And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was mighty in words and in deeds.” (Acts 7”22) Two ancient historians who lived during the first century AD, Philo of Judaeus, in Egypt and Flavius Josephus. and later, Eusebius, historian of the fourth century, deal at length with Moses, especially his military exploits, defeating the Ethiopians and conquering their country.  Politically, he married an Ethiopian Princess for which he was later criticized by his brother and sister.  One of the best works on Moses is the research done by Noerdlinger. (Noerdlinger p. 20)  Most have seen the movie of the Ten Commandments, which is historically mostly accurate, it is based on Noerdlinger’s works.

MOSES belonged to the tribe of LEVI, to the clan of Kohath, and to the house or family of Amram  (Ex 6:16). NAVAJO, HOPI, some west coast, and other Native Americans when introducing themselves use this tribe-clan-house-family introduction pattern. Coincidence? That MOSES was the distant descendant, not the son of Amram by JOCHEBED is hinted at inasmuch as his parents are not named in the detailed account of his infancy (Ex. 2), and is made almost certain by the fact that AMRAM and  his three brothers had numerous descendants within a year of the Exodus. (Nu. 3:27; Douglas p. 1026)  However the extensive research by Shulman shows that Amram  took to wife his father’s sister Jochebed, and she bore him Aaron and Moses. Amran lived to 137 years.  (Shulman p. 42: Ex. 6:20)  When Moses and Aaron made the demands on Pharaoh leading to the Exodus it was about 2448 years after Adam had been driven from the Garden.  M0SES was eighty years old and Aaron was eighty-three. (Exodus 7:7; Shulman p. 42)              

As the story goes, Pharaoh’s daughter lifted the baby’s floating basket out of the water. The name Moses  means “drawn out” popularly interpreted in its Hebrew form to mean ‘drawn out of the water,’  (Mandel p. 369)  but might more precisely indicate that the day would come when Moses would draw his people out of their slavery in Egypt (Gardner p. 301) in the thirteenth century BC.  The consonant element MS refer to water and the suffix   ES or EH , referring to “drawn out” (See below under Mosiah).


“In Ex. 2:10…she called his name MOSEH …Because I drew him (meesiti-hu) out of the water.…this has led many to assume  an Egypt[ain…ms, ‘child’ or ‘(one) born’… Ex. 2:10 clearly links the name of Moseh with his being taken from the waterside (masa), ‘to draw  forth’. The pun would come naturally to a Hebrew speaker but not to an Egyptian…would favor the view that Moses’ own mother  first named him…in such names as Ramose pronounced approximately mase …Moses’ Egyptian adoptive mother …assimilated a Semitic massi or Moseh in her own tongue…long before Moses [there was] real phonetic difficulties over Egyptian ‘s’ appearing as ‘i’ in Ra’amses and Phinehas in Hebrew.” (Douglas p. 1026)  Moses is Moses and appears so in the Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price. But when will they accept a Mormon solution to such a problem, or that there are other sources about the life and work of Moses other than the Old Testament?  In the Old Testament and New Testament, Christ and Moses, Church  and Israel are inseparably  linked to one another, but until the restored doctrines of the restoration are added you do not  have the complete story of God’s mighty deeds of salvation or the role of the LORD and the FATHER in the life and history of  MOSES. (Moses 1:39) A fair summary of the Moses’ story is found in Buttrick pp. 440-451. But without the Mormon input it is horribly incomplete. The restoration of the doctrines of MOSES, now confirmed by the rediscovery of ancient sources is one of compelling evidences that JOSEPH truly was and is the prophet of GOD.

The Exodus from Egypt under Moses and the events of the last forty years of his life, is the creative center of the Old Testament and the motivation and support of a group of people, the Jews, and their subsequent 3300 year history.         


Ancient Texts, assembled on Moses, tell of his assumption, or translation, when he was taken into heaven to continue his intercessory role especially as he and Elljah     were to provide Jesus Christ his endowments necessary for his resurrection at the Mount of Transfiguration, six months later. They went to the Mount of Transfiguration, about one week after Peter’s declaration that Christ was the Son of God. (McConkie pp. 397-404) These details are available on the CD on MOSES. 

The Testament of Moses also provides the following: “Accordingly He designed and devised me (MOSES) and he prepared me before the foundation of the world that I should be the mediator of His covenant.”  (Nickelsburg p.64 TM  1.14) “Two claims are made in this passage. “The first involving Moses’ pre-existence and the second more common claim of Moses’ mediating function between God and Israel. The claim of Moses’ pre-existence, of his being created before the world, is, as far as I know, to be found nowhere in Jewish Literature…I can find no potential literal parallels.” (Nickelsburg p. 84; Alma 13:5-12). Isn’t The Book of Mormon “Jewish Literature?” Sad that a scholar of his stature is not aware of Mormon beliefs (Alma 12:27- 30: 13{16-29).  Doctrines that have been available now for almost one hundred and eighty five years.

About one week after Peter’s great confession to the Lord that “thou art the Christ the Son of God “ and of Jesus’ promise that the keys of the Kingdom would be given, (Mathew 16:16), the Master took Peter, James, and John, [the First Presidency] to a high mountain to pray. (Luke 9:28) This was Mount Hermon, a nine thousand foot eminence north of Caesarea Philipi , north of Galilee, near the head waters of the Jordan and they went down from the Mount through Galilee. (Mark 9:30)


It was the fall of the year, a time when the Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated among the Jews. It was half a year before Passover, six months before the Redeemer would be crucified and resurrected…The Spirit of God was poured out abundantly the First Presidency were transfigured… Moses and Elias, (Elijah) appeared in glory, and spake of Jesus’ death, and also his resurrection, which he would accomplish at Jerusalem, (JST Luke 9:31).” (Millet p. 632-633) “Angels [translated beings] had been sent to minister unto Him…He was to be sustained anew by angelic ministry at this critical period, the beginning of the end, visitants from the unseen world were sent to comfort and support Him…” (Talmage p. 373)  and prepare our Lord for what lay ahead, but to also  join Him in conferring priesthood keys or directing powers; these Keys would enable the Twelve to lead the Church of Jesus Christ after the Savior’s mortal ministry was completed.  Both Moses and Elijah had been translated in their own day, taken from the earth without tasting death. They came to the holy mount with physical bodies in order to confer sacred authority…Moses conferred upon Peter, James, and John the keys…” (Millet p. 633), keys he conferred as a resurrected being upon the leaders of this dispensation at Kirtland, Ohio (D&C 110:11).  “Elijah assisted the Savior in conferring upon Peter, James, and John the sealing powers, the right of presidency associated with binding and sealing on earth and in heaven, the very power Jesus had promised earlier…to soon deliver to…the Twelve.”  (Millet p. 633; Mathew 16:19: 18:18) Christ talked with Moses and Elijah about his death and resurrection and what he would accomplish in Jerusalem, but none of this was recorded. (Luke  9:30-31)  “Peter James and John were being prepared to be the first legal administrators of the new kingdom.” (McConkie 1:404) “There came a cloud, [the Shekinah or dwelling cloud, signifying the presence of the FATHER] and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud. And there came a voice out of the cloud, [the voice of the Father] saying : This is my beloved Son: hear Him.” (Luke 9:34-35; Millet p. 637) What did they hear? They had heard the audible voice in the cloud. Peter said “we have the more sure word of prophecy.” (2 Peter 1:16-19; Millet p. 635) The trio received their calling and election made sure. Peter says they “received from God the father HONOUR AND GLORY.”  (Peter 1:16-19; D&C 131:5) “It being revealed to them that they were sealed up unto eternal life.” (McConkie p. 400) 

The great Joseph said: “The spirit, power, and calling  of Elijah… is to hold the key of the revelation, ordinances,  oracles, powers and endowments of the fullness of the Melchizedek Priesthood and of the kingdom of God on the earth; and receive, obtain, and perform all the ordinances belonging to the kingdom of God…  Elias [Elijah] restored the Abrahamic covenant the Patriarchal order the keys associated with that order of the Melchizedek Priesthood we know as the new and everlasting covenant of marriage. ” (HC 6:252-253; D&C 131:1-4; Millet p. 634)  “The Savior took the three disciples up on the  Mount…He there gave them the ordinances that pertain to the house of the Lord and that they were endowed. That was the only place they could go.  That place became holy and sacred for the rites of salvation which were performed there.” ( Millet p. 635) Christ Himself, as the content of event that transpired on the Mount of Transfiguration indicates,  was also endowed. He was being prepared by these ordinances to complete his Atonement and resurrection six months later.

Mark adds the fascinating detail that “JOHN THE BAPTIST was also present…He… like others, would wait but six months more before his “sleeping dust was to be restored unto its perfect form.” (JST, Mark 9:4; Millet p. 634; D&C 138:17)  “John was there, as the Last legal administrator under the Old Covenant,” (D&C 84:26-28; Millet p. 634) and held the keys of the dispersion of the Jews. (McConkie p. 361; Joseph Smith Teachings pp. 275-276; Galbraith p 312)  Also Jesus had a conversation with just Moses and John the Baptist. At this time MOSES was a translated being, John the Baptist was a disembodied spirit, both their bodies were transfigured for the purposes of the ordinances and activities being engaged  in on the mount. Nothing of these conversations were reported or recorded. (JST Mark  9:3) There also was no record made of what was said when  “Peter, James, and John who asked Him MANY QUESTIONS concerning his sayings.” (Mark 9:1) What did Jesus tell them?  What did they ask?

“It may well be that other unnamed prophets, either as translated beings or spirits from paradise, were also present.” (McConkie p. 400) Recall they were there all night. 

We are left to wonder what was conveyed and exchanged that night. Most likely we now have much of all that was said and done that night in the way of doctrines and ordinances of this dispensation, but much of it were exchanges between the exalted and glorified Father, the divine son, transfigured humans, a disembodied spirit, translated beings and others. The whole event held great importance for the events to come and eternal consequences. .   

“Until men attain a higher status of spiritual understanding than they now enjoy, they can learn only in part what took place upon the Mount of Transfiguration.” (McConkie p. 399)


There  were two Nephite kings named MOSIAH. The first was king over the people of the land of Zarahemla. He had been told to flee from the Land of Nephi (Omn 1:12), fulfilling prophecy that the Lord  “leadeth away the righteous into precious lands.” (1 Nephi 17:38) and for safety (2 Nephi 2:5-7) This was around 279-130 BC. (Pinegar p. 132) Mosiah took with him the Plates of Brass, (Omni 1;14) to the great joy of those they joined. (Largey p. 569) Mosiah became king of the united people.  Mosiah, by the power of God, translated the writings on a great stone they found that told, in part, of the Jaredites who had occupied the land before. (Omni 1:20) During the life time of Mosiah three major transplanted people, the Jaredites, from the north; the Mulekites from the central area and the Nephites, from the south crossed paths and became one people. Mosiah taught them his language and the gospel, because without records they had lost their knowledge of sacred things.  “They denied the being of their creator.” (Omni 1:17)  Mosiah and his successors preserved the histories and origins of these people. (Pinegar p. 132)

Mosiah was succeeded by his son Benjamin and then his grandson Mosiah.

The second MOSIAH , son of Benjamin, ruled as a righteous king 154 to 91 BC over the mixture of Nephites and Mulekites.  (Omni 1:19; Mosiah 25:131)

During his benedictory address about 124 BC, king Benjamin announced that his son, Mosiah, had taken over the reigns of government as the new king (Mosiah 2:30) and taken charge of the sacred records and associated instruments, the seer stones, Liahona, sword of Laban, all being passed down from generation to generation, (Pinegar p. 134) even to Joseph Smith.  Mosiah, after being king for 33 years, died about 91. BC. Their revelatory experiences included historical corrections: the destruction of Jerusalem and the Mulekites as survivors of king Zedekiah colonizing in the Americas. (2 Kings 25:7) That a son of the last king of Judah, Zedikiah, Mulek, born in August 587 BC, during the siege of Jerusalem, who escaped with his mother, “is known only through the Book of Mormon, independent of Lehi.” (Largey p. 375) The Mulekites were known as the People of Zarahemla. (Largey p. 375)

Here is a challenge for the skeptics, look for Phoenician DNA, from the Carthage region, and in central American regions because Mulekite blood lines had become dispersed in Nephite-Lamanite lines. (Omni 1:12-16)  “Do ye not behold that the seed of Zedikiah are with us…?” (Helaman 6:10) “Thereafter the Mulekites and the Nephites were united into one nation.” (Pinegar p. 134)  DNA sources, mummies, etc., should show no markers or evidence of Phoenician mixtures before the Mulekites were assimilated into the Nephite-Lamanite lines.  You could also use a Jewish DNA source from about 600 BC. Mulek would be half Jewish and the rest what he got from his mother.  Mulek did not come alone, there was with him a mature group of colonizers from his mother’s origins. Recall that Josephs descendants would have different markers because of ASENETH. Most American Indian DNA studies are not focused and not specific enough. The right questions have to be asked. There is much work that eventually will be done with different results than now being circulated.


THE BOOK OF MOSIAH, an extremely important book, opens with the final discourse of King Benjamin,  Mosiah’ s father, and closes with the report of Mosiah’s death in the thirty- third year  of his reign. (Mosiah 39:46), and the ending of the days of Alma. It is only a 62 page book, but filled with doctrines and stories. Largey provides an excellent outline and summary of the book, as does many other sources. (Largey pp. 570-574) Now let us look at the name.  The distinct prefix, MS is present in Proto-Arabic of Southwest Semitic which goes down to the Arabic dialects  (including Egypt)with links to East Semitic or Old Akkadian, (Weiss pp. 338-39) and does not seem to have appeared in the Book of Mormon until after the Jaredite records were found.  The MS consonants where the first syllable has consonants, is a usage frequent in Berber (PHOENCIAN) names. (Benz p. 355) The name seems to mean “ruler.” That still takes us back to ancient Akkadian where, note, there is no MOS element because there is no “O”  in Akkadian. Of the vowels  e, a, i, are not acceptable, but the “U” is,  so we get the prefix MUS in the word MUSBIRU(M) with Akkadian mimation, and a meaning  reflecting what we learned about MOSES. The Akkaddian word means …“that brings across the water.”  (Black p. 221)  We also get MESESA “that brings out of a drainage channel” and MUSESERU “Draining freely of water.” Interestingly  enough, in connection with what happened to MOSES, we find the word,  MUSENIQTU(M), with Alkkadian mimation for a “wet nurse.”  (Black p. 322) Recall that the mother of Moses was obtained to nurse MOSES.  A West Semitic specialist would make more out of these combinations than I am.  The point is that the Great Joseph got it right the first time.

The names or prefixes does not appear on the tablets, so far, coming from EBLA, but it  does appear in later Asssyrian as MUS… in the name of a ruler, but the meaning is  not given or was unknown at that time. (Baker p. 772


In early studies of this series we discussed the name MULEK.  We will add more detail here. The consonantal elements are:  MLK and appear in that exact form in the PHOENICIAN and PUNIC  name lists. (Benz p. 344) It is a commonly used name and appears in many compound names. (Benz pp. 345-347)  In its non-theophorous form “Milk” it means “King” and “to Rule.” (Benz p. 344)  In the form MLQRT “Milquart” you have “King of the city, Melquart” (Benz p. 347).  In its theophorous form “milk  Milk” you get the Epithet of the GOD ‘EL. In the ancient Ugaritic texts, related to Ancient Akkadian, EL becomes a separate deity (Benz p. 344), and an abbreviation for ElOHIM.  Mormons can appreciate this distinction because ELOHIM is the name of the Great Father God. The attestation that the name MULEK is a  Phoenician name, that He was born a prince and appears in Book of Mormon as a ruler of a transplanted colony, but it is only attested to in the Book of Mormon, is a piece of Jewish history that is lost to the Jewish record. The significance of which has not as yet been determined. Is something going to be found in the future which will show this to be a true historical account and confirm in a unique manner the veracity of the Book of Mormon? Note how much of the above fits in well of what is known of MELKEZEDEK!

“And the king of Babylon (2 Chron. 36:11) slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes; he also slew all the princes of Judah in Riblah.  [so there were other princes! But so far nothing has shown up about MULEK.] Then put out eyes of Zedekiah…bound him in chains…carried him to Babylon…put him in prison till the day of his death. (Jer. 52:10-11)

Helaman said “And now will you dispute that Jerusalem was destroyed? Will ye say that the sons of Zedekiah were not slain, all except it were MULEK? Yea, and do ye not behold that the seed of Zedekiah are with us?” (Hel. 8:21) 

Mormon provided a summary:  “Now the land south was called Nephi and the land north was called  MULEK,  which was after the son of Zedekiah for the Lord did bring MULEK into the land  north and Nephi into the land south.” (Hel. 6:10) “When Mosiah 1 was commanded of the Lord to flee from the land south…he was guided  northward to Zarahemla where the MULEKITES settled after having been driven out of Jerusalem and led across the ocean  to the New World following the Babylonian conquest…”(Omni 1:12:16; Pinegar p. 134) For a while they were known as the ”People of Zarahemla.” Eventually they were numbered with the Nephites. (Mosiah 25:13; Largey p. 373) Zedikiah, Mulek’s father, “was only about thirty-one when he was taken prisoner and blinded

But as the only survivor of the royal family and heir presumptive of the throne, he was certainly the most important  person in the company [of colonizers], a source of  legitimate pride to the group. The name tells everything – “Mulek” is  not found anywhere in the Bible, but any student of Semitic languages will instantly recognize it as the best-known form of diminutive or caritative, a term of affection and endearment meaning “little king.” What could they call the uncrowned child, last of his line, but their little king? And what could they call themselves but Mulekiyah or Mulekites?” (Nibley pp.399-400)


The Land of Mulek, named after the son of Zedekiah was located to the north of the land of Lehi. “for the LORD did bring Mulek into the land north and Lehi into the Land south,”(Hel. 6:10). “The two Israelite parties, the Nephites and Mulekites, remained ignorant of each other’s presence until about 299 BC.” (Sorenson p. 33) For a possible link with Jaredites and settlement areas in the Americas see “La Venta Correlations to Mulekite History,” (Sorenson pp. 538-542) and the Mulekite civilization. (Ibid 147-48)  Zarahemla , a Mulekite ruler, claimed to be a descendant of Zedekiah. More possibilities for DNA research.  Throughout the Book of Mormon there are many LINEAGE Histories reflecting various versions that are in conflict with each other, that are woven into the narrative seamlessly. (Sorenson pp. 101-107)


The name MULOKI, like MULEK, has the essential consonants of MLK, meaning “king” or “Ruler” (Benz p, 344) So what applies to MOSES, MOSIAH, MULEK, also applies here.  The prefix, or ending of KI suggests there is something more to be  added. The KI ending is Akkadian and means “like” or “how, ”(Black p. 155) the name intending to say: MULOKI, “LIKE A KING or a RULER.” Most likely the name was old Akkadian but the Jaredites used it with the O vowel. The Akkadian usage was complex and varied using the U vowel.  Eventually the Nephites used their own abbreviations for JEHOVAH, ‘IAH for an appropriate ending found in so many Old Testament names.


There was a Nephite missionary, AMMAH, who labored among the Lamanites about 90 BC, a member of the original group that left Zarahemla with the sons of Mosiah. (Alma 17:8) His companion was MULOKI.  AMMAH  was discussed in the early entries of this web site. They taught in the village of Ani-Anti where they were joined by Aaron. (Alma 21:11-12). Having no success, they traveled on to the Land of Middoni where they were cast into prison and cruelly mistreated. (Alma 20:19; 21:13-14) GOD instructed Ammon to go to Middoni and free them (Alma 20:2). Ammon took with him his converted Lamanite king Lamoni, who influenced Antimono, king of Middoni. Lamoni convinced the king to release them. (Alma 20”4, 28, 30) That is one of those stories that had an ending and success but the rest was not included in the abridgement by Mormon. (Largey p. 47)  After their release they went on to become very successful missionaries. They “went forth whithersoever they were led by the Spirit 0f the Lord. Preaching the word of God in every assembly of the Lamanites where they could be admitted.” (Alma 21P16-17; Pinegar p. 135)



BAKER, Heather, The Prosopogrqphy of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, Vol. 2, Part 11: L-N,  University of Helsinki 2001

………………………,  The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, Vol. 2, Part 1:H-K, University of Helsinki, 2000,

BLACK, Jeremy, Andrew George, Nicholas Postgate, EDs., A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian,  Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden. 2000

BENZ, Frank, Personal Names in the Phoenician and Punic Inscriptions, Biblical Institute Press, Rome, 1972

BUTTRICK, George A., The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, Abingdon Press, New York, 1962

DOUGLAS, J. D., The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Inter-Varsity Press, Tyndale House Publishers, Hodder And Stroughton, Sydney

GALBRAITH, Richard C. Scriptural Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1993  

GARDINER, Joseph L., Who’s Who in the Bible, The Reader’s Digest Association  Inc., Pleasantville, New York, 1994

LARGEY, Dennis L., Book of Mormon Reference Companion, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah 2003

MANDEL, David, Who’s Who in Tanakh, Ariel Books, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2004

MCCONKIE, Bruce R., Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, Vol. 1,  Bookcraft, Salt Lake City, Utah 1994

MILLET, Robert L. Camille Fronk Olson, Andrew C. Skinner and Brent L. Top, LDS Beliefs, A Doctrinal Reference, Deseret Book, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2011

NIBLEY, Hugh, The Prophetic Book of Mormon, Vol. 8, FARMS BYU, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah.1989

NICKELSBURG, George, W.L., Ed. Studies on the Testament of Moses, Septuagint and Cognate Studies. No. 4, Society of Biblical Literature, Cambridge, Mass. 1973

NOEDLINGER, Henry S, Moses and Egypt, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, 1956  

SHULMAN, Eliezer, The Sequence of Events in the Old Testament, Investment Co., of Bank Hapoalim and Ministry of Defence-Publishing House, Israel, 1957

SORENSON, John L., Mormon’s Codex, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, 2913

SMITH, Joseph, Teachings of Prophet Joseph smith, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1928

TALMAGE, James E. Jesus the Christ, Deseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1973

WEISS, Harvey,  Ebla to Damascus, Smithsonian Institution, Washiington, D.C. 1985



All research and opionions presented on this site are the sole responsibility of Dr. Einar C. Erickson, and should not be interpreted as official statements of the doctrines, beliefs or practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
To find out more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please see their offical websites at ChurchOfJesusChrist.org