Dr. Einar C. Erickson
Ancient Document Mormon Scholar
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Since the journey of the soul leads through dangerous demonic spheres, certain guarantees are required which involve more than those things which accompany the soul. What do you think the soul requires in order to go into eternity? It says here that, "They must have baptism, the sign and the name."



Names  in this entry include the abridgers of the Book of Mormon,  the father and son, MORMON and MORONI. There is a great deal available on both of these great prophets, and books and lengthy articles are available on both of them.  These are included in the Bibliography and those who want more information or review of  the resources  available can make use of them. It is astonishing how many names in the Book of Mormon are related to or find a connection with the Jaredites and Moroni’s selections and summaries of the Jaredite record. What would our research look like and how affected would doctrinal details without the Book of Ether. Its inclusion and what we are getting out of it is truly inspired.  It is all another great plus for Joseph Smith as a prophet and a marvelous work and wonder, of the restoration. (l Nephi 14) Its inclusion and what we are getting out of it is truly wonderful and inspired.


MOAB is attributed to Hebrew, meaning “from the father” (Genesis 19:37), about the 19th century BC. MOAB was the ancestor of the MOABITERS. He was the on of the incestuous relationship between Lot and his older daughter. His descendant, RUTH, was an ANCESTOR oF king David, (Mandel p. 366) and therefore, also, JESUS CHRIST.  All know the story of Ruth and Boaz.  


After his crucifixion, Christ destroyed at least sixteen cities, among them was MOCUM. Christ caused waters to cover MOCUM and its inhabitants to hide their wickedness, that the blood of martyred prophets and Saints would cease to testify against them. Evidently many prophets and righteous saints were killed there. (3 Nephi 9:7; Largey p. 344)

MOCUM has the prefix elements MO-  and MOC-,  and the ending suffix a mimation of -UM, found in many names from Ebla and Akkadian sources, also  found in many JAREDITE names.  Eblaite does not use the O or the C letters, they replace the O with I, and the C with a K. So the name in EBLA lists would be MIKUM. There are two compound names found in the EBLA  tablets, the element  MIK means “downcast,” such as in  MI-KUM-I(NI)-a, meaning  “downcast is God,”  and MI-KUM-KU-RA,  meaning “downcast is KURA.” (Pagan p. 351)

In Akkadian, which also does not use the letters O or C, substituting, like EBLA, the I and K respectively, they get the name MICKUM. However, in Akkadian the meaning is “seductive” referring to the Goddess ISTAR.  (Black p. 210)  The name and the prefix does not appear in the Neo-Assyrian name lists.  It would seem that the name was transmitted down through the Jaredite records and some Nephite or Lamanite applied it to the name of a city.  The name only appears in the Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 9:7. Whatever the transmission of the name or its meaning  may be, it is of great antiquity and not a figment of the imagination of Joseph Smith, and the name was applied in the Book of Mormon as the name of a city that had become exceptionally wicked, so much so that the Savior felt disposed to destroy it.


This is the name given to the place by the sea where the Jaredites dwelt four years before embarking on their journey to the promised land. (Ether 2:13)  It was here that the Lord chastened the brother of Jared for neglecting to call upon him (Ether 2:14). He had not prayed for several years.     It was also here that they built  barges to carry them across the ocean (Ether 2:16-17)  and here, on mount Shelem, that the brother of Jared received a miraculous vision of the premortal Christ (Ether 3:6-16) The site by the sea where so many spiritual events took place was named after the brother of Jared, MAHONRI MORIANCUMER.  The name of the brother of Jared was revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith. George Reynolds recorded. “While residing in Kirtland Elder Reynolds Cahoon, had a son born to him. One day when President Joseph Smith was passing his door he called the Prophet in and asked him to bless and name the baby. Joseph did so and gave the boy the name of Mahonri Moriancumer. When he had finished the blessing he laid the child on the bed, and turning to Elder Cahoon he said, the name I have given your son is the name of the brother of Jared: the Lord has just shown  [or revealed]  it to me.  Elder William E. Cahoon, who was standing near heard the Prophet make this statement to his father, and this was the first time the name of the brother of Jared was known in the Church in this dispensation.” (Largey p. 546)


“The great frequency of the element MOR- in the Book of Mormon proper names is in striking agreement with the fact that in the lists of Egyptian names compiled by Lieblein and Ranke the element MR is, next to NFR, by far the commonest.”  (Nibley pp. 30-31) ”The most common formative element in the Book of Mormon names is the combination MOR-, MR-, in Egyptian the same holds true.” (Nibley p. 282)  The name MORIANTON has several elements: the name MOR or MORIAN as a prefix, and a suffix -TON. The prefix element, MORIAN- has the consonantal elements MR, and MRN. The main Semitic languages following the departure of the Jaredites from upper Mesopotamia, did not have the 0 letter,  A, E, or I  would be substituted.  So we would be looking for names that had the initial letters of MER, MAR, MIR.  In AMORITE, two close names are given:  MARA-TUM and MARI-A-NUM, (both with mimation) but no meaning is given. (Gelb p.  621)  Then we have the elements  NTN and MRN, TN,  and MRNTN.  The element NTN is found in the Phoenician Dictionary where it means “gift,” later in Hebrew the meaning became  “to give.”  All the elements together create this compound name.  The ending -TN or -TON is also found in other Book of Mormon names such as  Gadianton and Corianton, also compound  names of great antiquity previously discussed in this series.  

The name may have Egyptian linkages, compare it with MARIATON and MERIAMON, both names of Egyptian princes meaning “beloved of ATON’ AND “beloved  of AMON.” (Nibley p. 29) Used as a prefix the M0R- element in the names M0RMON and MORNI W0ULD mean “beloved.”  In the Akkadian dictionary there are two  words,  MERRITUM and MARIAKITUM,  that are similar, but no meaning is given. (Black p. 208)   In these names the prefix  MORIAN would suggest the meaning  “the beloved of ATON, or AMON, is given a gift or gives a gift.”  In Egyptian the GOD ATEN, ATON, was the name of the disk of the sun, represented by a disk with many rays projecting in a circular array, about 1380 BC. Another older form of the sun God in Egypt was ATUM (TEM, TUM), represented by a bearded man wearing the double crown of Pharaoh (Shorter p. 128). In these endings there is preserved the influence of the Adamic Language (that of the Jaredites),  the Akkadian, the Egyptian and Hebrew. The  -UM ending was also a prevalent hypocoristic suffix among the MARI texts. (Huffmon  p.132), about the time of Ebla, Akkad and the Jaredite presence.   

The ending -ON is an authentic Hebrew suffix characteristic of a Hebrew Hypocoristicon  (abbreviation, or nick name) “usually dropping a theophoric name component found frequently in the old world.” (Coogan p. 112)

The man  MORIANTON is identified as a Jaredite King. (Ether 1:22) where he is listed in the genealogy  of Jared, as the 26th descendant of Jared.  The name, evidently an Adamic name, was not transmitted down through time, but was retained in the Jaredite record until it was used by the Nephites for a man, a city, and a land.

MORIANTON was the son of Riplakish as listed in the genealogy of Jared. (Largey p. 432). He gathered an army of outcasts, and won a lengthy war enabling him to gain power and establish himself as king. He found favor with the people because he eased their burdens. For this they anointed him  king. He was a just leader but an extremely wicked man. Largey p. 432)  

This was also the name of a hot tempered, rebellious, and wicked Nephite  who led the people of the land of MORIANTON in a border dispute against Nephites in the neighboring land of Lehi, (Alma 40:25-27) This resulted in the people of Lehi fleeing to Moroni for refuge, about 68 BC.  Fearing retaliation from the army of Moroni, MORIANTON planned to lead his people to the land northward.  (Largey p. 546) Moroni, the champion of liberty, had restored peace in the land “…behold there never was a happier time among the people of Nephi …in the days of Moroni, yea, even at this time, in the twenty and first year of the reign of judges.”  (Alma 50:23) But his plan was foiled,  MORIANTON “being  a man of much passion” (Alma 50:30) made the mistake of beating, in a fit of anger, one of his maid servants, who defected to MORONI’s camp and related what had happened. Learning of MORIANTON’s  intent and fearing that the people of Bountiful would join forces with MORIANTON, (Alma 50:29-31) MORONI sent  Teancum’s army to stop his flight. Teancum intercepted MORIANTON and his Army, during the battle Teancum  slew MORIANTON then took his army prisoners and returned to the camp of Moroni  (Alma 50:33-36). The people of MORIANTON then covenanted to maintain peace with their neighbors and were “restored to their lands.” (Alma 50-36; Pinegar pp. 121-122)         

Within a year after the covenant to maintain peace had been made, the Lamanites came on the scene and drove them out.  So they joined forces with other refuges. (Alma 51:26, 59:5) Moroni began preparations to retake the City of Morianton in 63 BC, but the city was heavily fortified. The record does not say when or if it was liberated. (Alma 53:33) There were not many things left dangling in the Book of Moron, this was one.  The city named after MORIANTON was founded about 68 BC. The city was located in the Land of MORIANTON.   Those who like war narratives might read again chapters in Alma  46-62 where two great Nephite rebellions are described.  The first and longest was that of AMALICHIAH. The second was that of MORIANTON, mostly contained in Chapter 50. (Sperry pp. 364-367)  

The followers of MORIANTON and the city by his name were called the people of MORIANTON. (Alma 50:26)


Much of what was discussed above on MORIANTON applies to this name also, it is simply MORIANTON but with a mimation ending (TUM).

Bezelel Porton suggests that the –UM ending, a common West Semitic suffix, is a hyocoristicon for JEHOVAH names. Fourteen names in the Book of Mormon contain this ending. (Porten p. 139-140)

The name is given to a city and a people near the end of Nephite History. More than 400 years after the second rebellion, in the second of two epistles written by Mormon to his son  Moroni, MORMON recounts the sufferings of his people. The Lamanites had taken many prisoners from the tower of Sherrizah, men, women, and children. The Lamanites had then slain them all. They fed the women upon the flesh of their husbands and fed the children on the flesh of their fathers and given them very little water. (Moroni 9:7-8) “Not withstanding the great abomination of the Laminates, it doth not exceed that of our people in MORIANTUM. Those people had taken the daughters of the Lamanites and deprived them of what was most dear and precious above all things, chastity and virtue, then they did murder them in a most cruel manner, torturing their bodies even unto death; and after this they devour their flesh like unto wild beats, because of the hardness of their hearts, and they do it for a token of bravery.” (Moroni 9:10)  Even a modern group with excesses, ISIS of Syria, haven’t quiet become that beastly.  It seems that Jaredite names were still being used by Nephites for a people and city they called  MORIANTUM, even retaining the TUM ending  or mimation of the Jaredites.  


The name has two elements MOR- and -MON.  The consonantal elements are MR and MN. Thinking in terms of the Egyptian and Hebrew mixture in which the Book of Mormon was compiled, we find M0R, and MR in only one name in the Jewish sacred books, the TANAKH, that of MORDECAI, meaning “belonging to Merodack,” who is a Babylonian God.  MORDECAI  was the uncle of Esther, and most of you recall that story. The Jews celebrate this rescue by the celebration of PURIM, The Day of Mordecai, in progress in Israel as I write this (Nov. 2015).  MORDECAI was also the son of Jair who was a descendant of KING SAUL. (Douglas p. 537) He was of the tribe of Benjamin.  The story which includes him, takes place in ancient SHUSHAN (SUSA), in Persia.  (Mandel p. 366) However, we are encouraged to look deeper because the name MORMON does not appear in the Book of Mormon until it is mentioned as the place  where Alma has gone to take refuge after having gathered many believers in the  teachings he had learned from Abinadi. “As many as did believe him did go forth to a place which was called  MORMON, having received its name from the king, being in the borders of the of the land having been infested by times or at seasons, by wild beasts.” (Mosiah 18:4) There are many references to this land of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, the forest of Mormon, the borders of  Mormon, the place of Mormon in Mosiah Chapters 18, 25 and 26, and in Alma Chapters 5 and 21. (Shapiro p. 634) Mormon declares that he is a “pure descendant of Lehi.” (3 Nephi 5:20)  The antiquity of the name unfolds when we trace out the name MORDECAI, which is found in Akkadian where the name MARDUKE is that of the chief Babylonian deity, where the element MOR is written MAR, because there is no O in Akkadian. (Buttrick p. 437)

In fact the use of the O in the element at that time would indicate that the name is a Jaredite name, and was probably taken from the Jaredite records after Mosiah had translated them, and some one if not the king himself, and appended  the name of  MORMON to the waters and its surroundings. In Akkadian the name MARI has the abbreviation “I” ending with  the meaning  MAR- ”successor” and the ending “I” meaning  “My.” (Heather p. 703) Thus the meaning of the name could have meant  “My successor.” In name and deed he was the success of his father!

In the Assyrian dictionary, the element MOR is also written as MAR, where it is the prefix to many names with the meanings depending on the suffix:  “son of, heir of, Lord, has saved, has created, protects, my successor.” (Baker pp. 702-703) preserving about the same meaning as in Akkadian.  The frequency of use of MOR, or MAR and occurrence in old Semitic languages, demonstrates the antiquity of the name and its likely early use by the Jaredites.

The suffix, or ending of MORMON, is -MON, this ending along with its abbreviation of -ON, has been discussed wherever a name has ended with that element.  So, to repeat, the -ON ending is an authentic Hebrew suffix, characteristic of a Hebrew hpyocoristicon, or abbreviation, found frequently in the old world and West Semitic languages. ( Coogan p. 122)  It is also the abbreviation for the God AMON, an Egyptian God. Originally the God of AIR and WIND, later as the GOD of reproduction. (Shorter p. 126)  The combination of MOR and MON, or separate usage, is very common in West Semitic languages, particularly the Jaredite or  Adamic Language and Hebrew and Egyptian.  The element MAR- is also found earlier, in the tablets of Ur, in particular in the Garsana Archives. (Kleinerman p. 756) So, the name might best be translated as “God’s Heir.”


In ancient Mesopotamia there are some 500 listed gods, among seven of the well known Gods, each have  multiple names and titles. One of these is MARDUK, with the element MAR; for him there is more than 50 names and titles.  The God of Weather has at least 20 names and titles.  The Egyptian God RE or RA , one of the famous ones, in the tomb of Thutmose !!!, has at least 100 names and titles. Among the earliest Gods of ancient Egypt, Osiris, has 142 names. In the Book of the Dead, there are more than 140 names for Osiris in spell 142 alone. Susan Easton Black, has compiled 101 names, titles and epithets for just Christ in the Book of Mormon.  Some are superlatives and do not duplicate most of the names for Christ in the New Testament.  These names show up in the 6,607 verses in the Book of Mormon at the rate of one per l.7 verses.  The Book of Mormon IS all about Christ. (Parry pp. 171-172)


When MORMON was only ELEVEN years old, before his father took him to Zarahemla. Though very  young,  he had spiritual experience.  Ammaron, keeper of the records at that time, informed Mormon that he would one day have charge of them. He instructed Mormon about their care and told him that a age twenty four Mormon was to recover the records from the hill where Ammaron had placed them for safekeeping.. At age fifteen, in what may have been Mormon’s first significant spiritual experience, he was “visited of the Lord” (Moroni 1:15), perhaps much as the young Joseph centuries later. Mormon was, however forbidden to preach to the Nephites “because of the hardness of their hearts.” (Morm. 1:17)  Then, incredibly, in his sixteenth year Mormon was appointed to lead the Nephite Armies. Mormon had an imposing physical stature, and was very mature in all matters, especially the spiritual ones.  He knew God face to face.  His testimony is the Book of Mormon. (See Largey pp. 532-555)

MORMON was with his son MORONI, were the last Prophets of the Nephites.  He was a historian, general of armies, and with his son, the Abridger of the Nephite records, he lived about 311-385 AD. He was a descendant of Nephi, and was named after his father, Mormon. The only reference to his father is that he carried his eleven-year old son into the land of Zarahemla (Morm. 1:6, about 322 AD. The land of Mormon, named after the Prophet, was where Alma established the Church after fleeing from wicked king Noah.(3 Nephi 5:12; Largey p. 347)  This father and son with the same name is an example of the abundant use of papponymy in the Book of Mormon.   

MORMON watched the demise of civilization in his part of the world. He cried in a highly poetic an agonized lament: “O ye fair ones.” Over the needless destruction of a once faithful and blessed people. (Morm. 6:17) And was finally a victim himself of the mindless slaughter. (Morm. 8:3)  As an abridger he clearly and effectively assimilated the writings of his predecessors, including those who compiled the Brass Plates.  He knew the scriptures and seemed to carry them in his mind. He was full of them, and fed by them, and as such was fortified against all evils of his day. (Mosiah 23:22) They especially echo the words of Christ recorded in 3 Nephi. (3 Nephi16:89-9) The entire Book of Mormon was shaped by his sense of purpose. His was a divine commission. To his son, Moroni, he said: “We have a labor to perform whilest in this tabernacle of Clay.”  (Moro. 9:6) He could see and did see the divine purpose the preparations God made for lost things and records to be replaced by records prepared very early on.  He wrote the words of Christ and that those words would come forth in a later day. (2 Nephi 30:33)  And lamented “I cannot write the hundredth part of the things of my people.” (W. of M. 1:5) He knew “The Book of Mormon was written for us today, and that God was the real author of the Book.” (Benson CHAP. )  He knew the record would come forth in a day of apostasy and great confusion and absolute wickedness. (l Nephi 13; 2 Nephi 27-29)  And that Book was intended to be a solution to the problems by restoring “the plain and precious things,” he knew  would be removed from the Bible. (l Nephi 13) The vast stories he provided all point to Christ in some way. (Alma 27:27-28) One of the exotic and unusual features of the Book of Mormon is CHASMUS, a literary technique used by the ancients, particularly the Hebrews, of presenting a set of words, or ideas, in a certain order and then retracing them in the opposite order.  Examples are included in Mosiah 3:18-19; 5:10-12; Alma 36; and Alma 41:13-14).  Mormon did not abridge these, they were left intact.  They were recognized some years ago by John Welch. (Largey pp. 182-180; Welch pp.152-153)  There are many accounts that summarize Mormon’s  life and contributions, but none do him justice as yet. (Largey pp. 547-557)  

When Mormon was only eleven  years old, before his father took him to Zerahemla, Ammaron, the keeper of the sacred records at that time, informed Mormon that he would one day have charge of the record. He instructed Mormon about their care and told him that at age twenty four Mormon was to recover the records from the hill where Ammaron had placed them for safekeeping. At age fifteen in what may have been Mormon’s first significant spiritual experience, he was “visited of the Lord.” (Morm. 1:15)  Like the young Joseph Smith many centuries later. Mormon was, however, forbidden to preach to the Nephites.” Because of the hardness of their hearts.” Then, incredibly, in his sixteenth year,” (Mormon 2:2)  Mormon was appointed to lead the Nephite armies. (Mormon 2:2) He had imposing physical stature and was very mature.  Many have written about him, but they do not do him justice. (Largey pp. 547-555)  MORMON was a magnificent servant in the hands of the Lord, his work is eternal and responsible for the conversion of many, he said: “I write unto all the ends of the earth, yea, unto you, twelve tribes of Israel.” (Mormon 3:18; McConkie p. 149)  Now, no one is exempt from access to the Book of Mormon.   

Imagine the significance of what Moroni, MORMON’S  own son,  wrote later.  He Testified. “I HAVE SEEN JESUS CHRISTAND HE HATH TALKED WITH ME FACE TO FACE.}” (Ether 12:30)  This is before Moroni  is resurrected. He and his father, were  attended to by the translated Three Nephites who were taken up and the work of miracles and healing did cease. (Mormon 1:13)  After their resurrection Mormon, but particularly Moroni  appear to Joseph as dedicated servants of the Lord, guiding and  instructing Joseph,  resurrected friends of Joseph..   

The name MORMON was also given to a region near the city of Lehi-Nephi. (Mosiah 18:4)  


The elements in this name are MOR, MR, ON.  What has been discussed above on MOR and MAR, applies to this name also. The discussions of the element 0N  above  applies as well.                                                          

MORON was the name of a Jaredite King. (Ether 1:7)   This name is also on some land north of the great land of Desolation. (Ether 7:5) Because it is a Jaredite name it has great antiquity.  But it seems to have been transmitted down through time, it could would have been in the Brass Plates, because the ending ON is an authentic Hebrew suffix, that could have been added to the prefix MOR- or MAR-, at a much later date.

This same MORON was a wicked ruler who was overthrown by a “mighty man” of influence among those engaged in secret combinations that were organized and “built up to get power and gain.“ (Ether 11:15) Moron was able to defeat this                       usurper and recover that part of the kingdom that had been lost. There after “another mighty man (Ether  11:17) , a descendant of the Brother of Jared, overthrew Moron again and forced him to dwell in captivity for the remainder of his days. Moron’ successor was his son, Corianton.”  (Largey p. 124)   The reference to a descendant of the brother of Jared is rare, someday we will get more from the sealed portion of the plates about the life and times and descendants of Mahonri Moriancumer, the brother of Jared. (Largey p. 546)    


The name MORONI has two essential elements:  the prefix  MOR- and the suffix  -ONI.  The prefix MOR-  has been discussed above and the essentials apply here as well.  The suffix, -ONI, however, is an abbreviation for ADONI,  (ADONAY), which means “L0RD.”  with a preferred “I” ending rather than a Y; a title of honor and majesty applied to GOD, and used in the late post-exilic period as a substitute for the sacred name YAHWEH. (Buttrick p. 47)  Used in Hebrew it means GOD or LORD. (Mandel pp. 26-27)  See the discussion on Melchizedek above.


This MORONI was an impressive military strategist, descriptions of his exploits occupy a lot of the Book of Mormon.  He was the commander of the 2000, some added later, stripling warriors, all of who survived, though many were wounded, the great bloody battles they engaged in. An example of great faith and the impact of mothers on valiant sons. He was a great patriot, who loved, supported and defended his country and his heritage, defining a soldier’s commitments. But most of all he was a man and leader in righteousness, a man of mighty prayer, and bold with a great knowledge of historical events, especially when he tore up a garment in memory of the ancient priesthood garment given to Joseph of Old that had been preserved, the TITLE OF LIBERTY. (Alma 46:12)  It was “a magical garment” that protected Joseph. Elohim had given Joseph the power of prophecy.  (MacLaurin, p. 2-32)  Even Mormon cited MORONI as an example for all men, who, if all men were like him, “the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever yea the devil would never have power over the hearts of the Children of men. (Alma 48:11-13; 17; Largey pp. 556-557)


MORONI, the SON OF MORMON,  was the final writer in the Book of Mormon, the abridger of the 2000 year history of the Jaredites, the Book of Ether, he was also the engraver of all that is in the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. Like his father, Mormon, he was a military commander,  a church leader, over whom his father “rejoiced exceedingly, ” (Moro.  8:2) He was extremely insightful with emphasis on our times, he saw our day.  His doctrinal content is so comprehensive that it is apparent that he had his endowments, so he may have had a wife, perhaps children, if so they would have all been killed in the slaughter he was witness to the death of his father and “all my kinfolk,” those dearest to him.  (Mormon 8:5)  He was Firm in the faith and guided always by constant revelation; but he was extremely lonely, a wandered for several decades. .  He empathized with Ether, also a lonely soul. (Largey pp. 556-457)  Priceless is what he left us concerning spiritual gifts and the companion ship of the Holy Ghost. (Mormon 10:4-32) His contributions include his abridgements and his final addition to the Book of Moron, prophecies of the latter days, messages and admonitions for those engaged in the latter day work, instructions to Joseph, trials of faith, spiritual gifts, how to come unto Christ, to be Christ like, and many words of exhortation; and ordinances of the gospel, particularly the sacramental prayer, truly a great gem. (Largey pp. 559-562) He clarified many points of doctrine, especially about child baptism, and the emphasis on the three great virtues: Faith Hope and Charity.  His plea was for all to come unto Christ, and be perfected in him. (Mormon 10:34)    He must have really enjoyed his role in the restoration.   


The closing words of Moroni on the Plates of Mormon, were “And now I bid unto all, farewell. I soon go to rest in the paradise of God, until my spirit and body shall again reunite, and I am brought forth triumphant through the air.” (Mornoni 10:34) The date he wrote this closing chapter of his life was about 421 AD, when he was about 71 years old. When as a resurrected being and messenger from God, [called an angel], he appeared bodily to the prophet Joseph Smith. The account is recorded in many places. When Joseph was asked “How, and where did you obtain the Book of Mormon?” He answered “Moroni, the person who deposited the plates, from whence the Book of Mormon was translated, in a hill in Manchester, Ontario County, New York, being dead, and raised again there from, appeared unto me, and told me where they were, and gave me directions how to obtain them.” (Elder’s Journal 1837-39) The rest of the story is recorded in many accessible sources.

Then, “At a meeting at Spanish Fork, Utah Co., in the winter of 1896, Brother Higginson stated in my presence that Thomas B. Marsh told him that the Prophet Joseph Smith told him (Thomas B. Marsh he being then President of the Twelve), that he became very anxious to know something of the fate of Moroni, and in answer to prayer the Lord gave Joseph a vison, in which appeared a wild country and on the scene  was Moroni after whom were six Indians in pursuit;  he stopped and one of the Indians stepped forward and measured swords with him., Moroni smote him and he fell dead, another Indian advanced and contended with him, this Indian also fell by his sword; a third Indian then stepped forth and met the same fate; a fourth afterwards contented with him, but in the struggle with the fourth Moroni  being exhausted, was killed. Thus ended the mortal life of Moroni. (Charles D. Evans, Moroni, 1897; Peterson, p. 80-81) Nearly every temple built so far has the image of Moroni towering over all.

The resurrection of Christ and others about AD 34 just started the resurrections, which may be on going even in our time.  Inferring some because of events recorded by others including the family of Joseph at the time, and a direct count of visits and encounters Joseph had with Moroni, there were at least 40 and probably many more than that.


The land is described as being “in the borders  by the seashore.” (Alma 62:25)  The city was built during a time of prosperity.  The deserter Amalichiah and lamanites captured the city for a while, Captain Moroni recaptured it. But it became a very wicked city.  The city was sunk in the depth of the sea when the calamities and city destructions took place at the time of the death of Christ.   (3 Nephi 8:9; 9:4; Largey pp. 362-363)



BAKER,  Heather, The Pros  opography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, Vol.2/11m L-N, University of Helsinki, 2001

BENSON,  Ezra Taft., Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2014

BLACK, Jeremy, Andrew George and Nicholas  Postgate, A concise Dictionary of Akkadian,  HJarrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2000

BUTTRICK, George A., The Interpreters Dictionary of the bible, Abingdon Press, New York, 1962

DOUGLAS, J.D., The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Tyndal House Publishers, Hodder and Stoughton, Sidney, 1980

GARDNER, Joseph I., Who/s Who in the Bible, Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, New York, 1994

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All research and opionions presented on this site are the sole responsibility of Dr. Einar C. Erickson, and should not be interpreted as official statements of the doctrines, beliefs or practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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